Call Now To Protect Your Legacy - (435) 709-5820
Call Now To Protect Your Legacy -(435) 709-5820
Setting up a living trust is the best way to avoid the costs and frustrations of probate upon death. However, we guide our clients through the process and administrative details following a loved one’s death, with or without a trust in place. Although administering a trust is far easier and less expensive than a probate action, there is always some administrative burden upon death. Our firm differs from many other estate planning law firms in that we also provide services to assist in administering your living trust. By working with Haymond Law, you rid yourself of the burden of trust administration, while greatly reducing the chances of a dispute arising among beneficiaries because of conflict of interest, misunderstandings and disagreements. You also are assured that every protection of your trust is properly effectuated.
The attorneys at Haymond Law are equipped to address any issues that may arise in the course of trust administration. If you serve as a trustee of a trust or as a personal representative of a decedent's estate, you face many complicated responsibilities.
Are you ready to handle every component of trust administration? We are — including:
A trust is generally the right strategy to protect your family from the effects of probate and taxes. Haymond Law attorneys have the experience and knowledge to handle the most complex estates, often in the tens of millions of dollars. At any level of family assets, however, no one plan is right for everyone. Our clients have a unique-to-them plan, customized to fit their exact financial and personal desires for whatever they may want their legacy to be.
We are especially sensitive to the concerns of clients with special-needs children, blended families, privately held assets, noncitizen family members and other significant circumstances. We apply our experience in accommodating a wide variety of situations. We also strive to minimize controversy, which often arises when a family member feels left out of the distribution or control of a trust account.
Call Now To Protect Your Legacy
(435) 709-5820